
"You have cancer" is a diagnosis with a tremendous psychological impact. But not only for you, but also for your life partner.

What is going through you at that moment?  Do you keep talking? What impact does the treatment have on a body? Does intimacy get another place? Experience shows that a relationship either becomes more intimate or breaks.

In sixteen stories, Els Put tells how both cancer patients and their partners experience or have experienced the moment of diagnosis and treatment. How they reacted and responded to each other. Or not. She supplements these stories with practical tips and information from a professional perspective.

Els Put

Els Put is a freelance journalist.
€ 5.535, allocated on 4/08/2015.

BOOK (in Dutch)

Price: €19.95
ISBN: 978-94-6131-514-4
Date of publication: September 2016
Pages: 180 

PRINT (in Dutch)