
KIEV - What does war do to people? Helena Cazaerck, philosopher, journalist and musician, travels to Kiev to find out. She wants to sketch not only the suffering but also the absurdity and irrationality.

In her weekly nightbook, she searches for stories between the lines of war. In short scenes, she tries to make the reader sympathize with the characters she encounters. Homeless princes, horny fortune seekers, Jehovah mothers and psychotic do-gooders, all are given a role in the all-too-human violence of war. 

© Helena Cazaerck

Helena Cazaerck

Helena Cazaerck is a freelance reporter for De Standaard, Knack, Mo* and international media such as The Slovak Spectator. She works from Belgium, Denmark, Ukraine, Russia and Slovakia.
Helena Cazaerck
€4.600 allocated on 08/12/2022.