
BELGIUM/ROMANIA - When Romania became a member of the European Union in 2007, a transitional measure was voted in Belgium whereby Romanians needed a work permit in order to be able to work. A direct consequence of this was that many Romanians ended up in the informal circuit or were employed under the wrong statute.

On 31 December 2013, the transitional measure, which made it more difficult for Romanians to enter the Belgian labour market, expired. The Belgian government expects a huge influx of Romanians. But is this fear justified? And what is it based on?

Floris Cavyn went to Romania and talked to several people who regularly come to work in Belgium, but also to people who want to prevent the outflow. Also in Belgium he came into contact with several Romanians who had been living in Belgium for several years and did not care about the transition period.

Floris Cavyn

Floris Cavyn (°1982) studied journalism and modern literature and followed the postgraduate international research journalism of the Pascal Decroos Fund.
€ 2.250, allocated on 21/06/2013.

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