BELGIUM - In his approach to the refugee crisis, State Secretary Theo Francken (N-VA) emphasizes return policy. With his Return Handbook, European Commission President Juncker also wants to put more emphasis on voluntary return. But is that plan realistic?
A lot of money is spent on financing plane and bus tickets of people who then re-emerge in our country, because they have little prospect of a better life in their country of origin. Despite premiums and guidance, sustainable reintegration on the spot is rare.
Journalists Marjorie Blomme and Janine Meijer spoke with an Iraqi the night before his return, travelled to Ghana to visit a returnee in Kantamanto near Accra and visited a Ukrainian in Jhytomyr, 140 kilometres from Kiev. "As soon as I see an opportunity, I'll go back to Europe."
PRINT (in Dutch)
- 'In Europa ligt mijn toekomst', De Standaard, 19/09/2015.