Brigitte Alfter is a senior German-Danish journalist, director for Arena for Journalism in Europe and as of August 2020 lecturer at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMG), University of Gothenburg. She is the lead of the Erasmus+ Crossborder Journalism Campus project.

Having practiced journalism on local, national and European level, she realised the need for cross-border collaborative journalism structures during her years as Brussels correspondent for Danish daily newspaper Information.

Since 2008, she has practiced and assisted in-depth journalism in and about Europe and developed European support- and infrastructures for cross-border journalism. She combines journalism practice, entrepreneurial activities, teaching/training and academic research.

From 2008 to 2018, she was part of the development of the European activities of the Journalismfund Europe.

Brigitte Alfter


Brigitte Alfter

Supported projects

The plans of the pharma industry

  • Healthcare
  • Innovation

BRUSSELS - Can we expect pill manufacturers to provide objective information? This is the first in a series of articles on the influence of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe.

A knightly connection to Danish porn

  • Trafficking
  • Organised crime
  • Exploitation

COPENHAGEN - Danish police are investigating the ins and outs of the porn cinema shop ‘Nonstop Bio Cinerotic, which rents out rooms to Nigerian sex slaves in Copenhagen's red light district. One of the directors of the sex cinema shop was until very recently - in a personal capacity - Belgian knight Guy Paquot, top executive of the Belgian listed holding compagny Compagnie du Bois Sauvage nv.