Support in-depth journalism, support democracy.

A healthy democracy is impossible without a strong debate. But preferably on the basis of facts. However, these are not always easily revealed. Moreover, sometimes they are deliberately hidden. To really dig deep, journalists need extra time and resources.

The Pascal Decroos Fund gives them just that. Support the Pascal Decroos Fund and help journalists dig up the facts.
More than 80 carefully crafted research articles, books and documentaries on socially relevant, but often less exposed topics appeared in the past year. These are projects that would not have existed without the Fund.

How to support the Fund?

You can financially support the Pascal Decroos Fund in various ways. Donors will receive a printed newsletter at the end of the year, an overview of the most interesting achievements of the Pascal Decroos Fund during the past year.

You can transfer a gift via a transfer to the account of the Pascal Decroos Fund.
IBAN: BE30 4228 0049 7111 BIC: KREDBEBB Announcement: gift FPD

Donate € 150 or more and you are an honorary donor.

A standing order You can give your bank a standing order.
You can let the Pascal Decroos Fund share in the festive spirit A wedding party, a birth, a golden anniversary, a birthday ...: you can ask your acquaintances to transfer the money that was provided for flowers, telegrams, gifts, etc. to the Pascal Decroos Fund to finance our projects. This way your "big day" becomes even more joyful ... If you want to know who deposited which amount after the party, please contact us (+32 2 705 59 19).
Bequests If you think of the Pascal Decroos Fund at the time you prepare your will, you commit yourself in the long term to this act of solidarity. It is very simple and hardly binding (and always revocable).

The Pascal Decroos Fund is authorized (through to accept legacies. A legacy is only valid after the testator's death and is only possible through a will and thus through a legal deed.
In Belgium you can also include the Fund in a "duolegaat", in this way you support the Fund and at the same time benefit your heir(s).

For more info:


Steun het Fonds Pascal Decroos

Online donation