Nick Meynen (Belgium) is geographer, conflict expert, investigative journalist, author and since 2008 also a professional environmentalist.

He founded the “economic transition” team at the European Environmental Bureau, where he is now senior policy officer for systemic change.

His book “Frontlines. Stories of Global Environmental Justice” was warmly welcomed by Naomi Klein & Tim Jackson. He writes for the EEB and for media, talks at TED & other events and makes videos with people like Kate Raworth. Nick loves to connect stories to the fundamental flaws in our economic system, with the aim of contributing to the new narrative needed to turn a crisis into a change opportunity.

Nick Meynen


Nick Meynen
Investigative journalist

Supported projects

The big carbon fraud

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Politics

With financial support from the Fonds Pascal DecroosNick Meynen followed carbon credit money flowing from Belgium to India, where he discovered a desert full of mirages. Part from the fraud and abuse, he also noticed the difference in approach between Flanders and Belgium, the buyers of carbon credits.