Wies Wilems (Belgium) is policy officer 'Natural Resources' at Broederlijk Delen.

Wies Willems (°1985) studied Germanic Languages and Literatures and obtained a Master's degree in Conflict & Development (Ghent University) and completed the International Research Journalism course (Thomas More Mechelen).

After his studies, he worked for several NGOs, including a year in Peru, and as a freelance journalist. Since 2014, Wies has been policy officer for natural resources at Broederlijk Delen, with a special focus on Latin America.

His work focuses on issues such as the social and environmental impacts of resource extraction, the situation of environmental and human rights defenders, and the international agenda on corporate regulation. Wies addresses Belgian and European policy makers, working closely with partner organisations in the field and NGO networks in Brussels. He also informs the public through press articles, lectures and campaigns.

Wies Willems


Wies Willems
Policy Officer | Natural Resources
Natural sources

Supported projects

Free trade in Peru: who wins, who loses?

  • Finance
  • Politics

LIMA - Peru is one of the economically fastest growing countries of Latin-America. Still, inequality stays high and social conflicts are raging throughout the country.