
KABUL - Now that the Taliban is constantly threatening with attacks on polling stations and other places, it is fearful to see what the Afghan presidential elections of September 28 will bring. But everyone is convinced that they must continue: “The Taliban cannot stop us anymore. It's too late for that." 

After Donald Trump resolutely ended the peace talks between the US and the Taliban, all eyes (and hope) are on the upcoming presidential election in Afghanistan. Despite the deep-rooted corruption in the government, the population continues to believe in a new poll, although everyone realizes that it will not be fair this time either. In the meantime, the question remains as to whether and when US soldiers and other Naval countries, including Belgium, should withdraw from the country. After 18 years of foreign military presence, it has not become safer in Afghanistan. On the contrary, the Taliban currently controls 50 percent of the country. Should we stay or leave? “If Europe does not want to come face to face with a new generation of terrorists, it must continue to invest in Afghanistan. It is for your own safety, not ours," says former defense minister Tamim Asey.

Photos: © Yan Boechat


Joanie de Rijke

Joanie de Rijke is a freelance journalist.
€ 5.000 allocated on 06/05/2019.