KIGALI - After the genocide of 1994, the Rwandan government temporarily suspended history from the school curriculum. The characters in After Years of Walking - children, teachers, genocide killers, students and historians - all find themselves in an uncertain zone between the old history and a new one.
The filmmaker found a historical film made in 1959 by Belgian missionaries. She took this film back to Rwanda in 2002 as an entry point into Rwanda's search for history.
2.700 EUR, toegekend op 25 mei 2002.
Fonds Pascal Decroos
- 37 min. / Beta SP (shooting format: DV-cam) / 2003
French and Kinyarwanda spoken, with English subtitle
Director/producer: Sarah Vanagt
Cinematographer: Annemarie Lean-Vercoe
Sound recordist: Pauline Simonet
Editor: Sarah Metcalfe
Sound design: Robert Prynne
Music: Tradi-musiciens (Rwanda)
- Cross-examinations #3, These and Other Works, group exhibition, Extra City, Antwerp, 2012
- Transat Vidéo, Caen 2011
- Festival International de films de femmes de Créteil, Paris 2010
- Imperial War Museum Film and Video Archive, London 2008
- Smart Project Space, Amsterdam 2008
- IDFA International Documentary Festival Amsterdam 2004
- Sheffield International Documentary Festival 2004
- Film Festival Clairmont-Ferrand (African Perspective) 2004
- Oxdox International Documentary Festival Oxford 2004
- Festival of European Film Schools Bologna 2004
- Human Rights Watch Film Festival London 2004
- One World 2004 - Human Rights Documentary Festival Prague 2004
- Amnesty International Film Festival USA - West Hollywood 2004