Arezoo Moradi is a Belgian journalist and multimedia artist born in Tehran, Iran, in 1984.

She studied journalism, sociology and digital storytelling and is passionate about untold stories and investigative journalism. In 2023, the graphic novel ‘Landless as the Wind’ (Oogachtend), which she co-authored with Jeroen Janssen, was published. In 2024, she collaborated on ‘Picturing the unimaginable’ (Scratch) with the story ‘Kitja’.

Besides stories, she also made documentaries. House Number 76, a documentary about the resistance during World War II, was one of her most important works.

Arezoo Moradi


Arezoo Moradi
Journalist & Multimedia Artist
Women's Rights

Supported projects

Creative Underground in Teheran

  • Culture
  • Social Affairs
  • Human Rights

TEHERAN - The Islamic Republic regime in Iran has been oppressing its people for more than 40 years. In response to this repression and suffocation, the popular uprising of ‘Women, Life, Freedom’ is a powerful ‘no’.


  • Cities

Ledeberg has a long history. In the Middle Ages, in the shadow of the city walls of Ghent, two rural settlements arose along the roads to Brussels and Geraardsbergen. Between 1860 and 1870, in the context of the industrial revolution, Ledeberg became one of the fastest growing suburbs of Ghent. Cotton factories, a brickworks and several shipbuilding yards sprang up along the banks of the Scheldt. Straight streets were laid out, connected by countless narrow alleys, in order to build as many small and cheap workers' dwellings as possible.