Marieke Brugnera is a freelance investigative journalist.

Marieke has a doctorate in philosophy and a PhD in philosophical anthropology from the KU Leuven. With a critical eye, she tries to get to the bottom of human issues and tell stories about social injustice. She wants to use her academic research skills to address social problems in society. 

In 2021, her Poverello & Rafael report in Knack ("When charity derails") won the Loep for controlling investigative journalism. The series also received a nomination for the Belfius Press Prize.

Marieke Brugnera


Marieke Brugnera
Investigative journalist
social issues, human rights

Supported projects

Self-service at Action Damien

  • Social Affairs
  • Healthcare

BRUSSELS - Experienced staff are being fired, volunteers are dropping out and losses are piling up. Meanwhile, external consultants earn up to €20,000 a month. What is going on at Action Damien?

The question of 14 million: where is Poverello's money?

  • Corruption
  • Finance
  • Human Rights

BRUSSELS - Journalists at KNACK, LeVif and RTBF have joined forces to investigate the peculiar financial management of the non-profit organisation Poverello. They greedily buy real estate that often remains empty. The organisation appears to be very rich, but hardly ever uses its money for working with the poor.