Senne Starckx (1983) is a freelance science journalist.

He studied physics at VUB (2005) and journalism at EhB (2006). He writes about science on a regular basis for De Standaard and for Eos. He also publishes articles in more specialised science media, at home and abroad.

Senne is a board member of the European Federation for Science Journalism (EFSJ).

Senne Starckx


Senne Starckx
Freelance journalist - Science writer
science journalism

Supported projects

Dinosaurs Under the Hammer

  • Education
  • Science

ZURICH/ALTMULTHAL - Fossils of dinosaurs are the new Picassos and Van Goghs. Millions are often given for precious skeletons. Such is the case for Trinity, the skeleton of a T. rex that Antwerp entrepreneur Fernand Huts bought a year and a half ago.

We are all children of the steppes

  • Migration
  • Science

MOL - Recent research shows that deep in our genes we are easterners. We are largely descended from steppe peoples who crossed into Europe five thousand years ago.

Nuclear legacy

  • Energy
  • Innovation
  • Environment

DESSEL - It is likely that the Belgian government will give the green light for the final underground disposal of nuclear waste before the end of the year. Cost: several billion euros. The taxpayer pays almost half of that. It remains to be seen whether the largest waste producer Electrabel will pay the rest.