
BELGIUM - The share of the pharmaceutical sector in the Belgian economy is large. According to the organization pharma.be in 2017, the sector employed 35,711 people and our country exported for a total value of 40.5 billion euros of medicines and vaccines worldwide, which is about 10% of Belgian exports. 

While in many sectors sustainability, transparency and a social reflex are more and more explicitly defined as an objective, it was difficult to find vision statements about a social, transparent or ecological pharma of the future in Belgium. This series is the result of a study of 'best practices' from abroad about social and transparent pharma.

Isabelle Vanhoutte

Isabelle Vanhoutte (º1987) works as journalist and teacher. She has obtained a master's degree in history and art history. Since 2016, she writes about sustainable bottom-up projects and circulair economy on her blog kleinerevolutie.org.
€ 1.700 allocated on 19/09/2017.


  • “Biohackers jagen op ‘insuline voor iedereen’, De Standaard, 02/11/2018. (in Dutch)
  • "Op zoek naar middel tegen malaria", De Standaard, 03/11/2018.  (in Dutch)