FALTECINI - Belgian police and army uniforms are made in Romanian factories with Belgian owners, by seamstresses who can barely make a living from their wages. What is wrong with our public tenders? "As long as price remains the most important award criterion, someone always pays the price.
Why do Belgian companies produce the clothing of government employees more than two thousand kilometres from our country? The workers' payslips, which the investigators were able to look into, provide the answer.
Photo © Louis Lammertyn
- Sociale dumping: waarom 'Made in Europe' géén duurzaamheidslabel is, Knack, 08/07/2020.
- “Politie- en legeruniformen worden gemaakt door onderbetaalde Roemeense arbeiders in slechte arbeidsomstandigheden”, HLN.be, 08/07/2020. (in Dutch)
"Les uniformes belges de l'armée et de la police fabriqués par des travailleurs roumains sous-payés: une ONG dénonce, l'entreprise se défend", RTBF.be, 08/07/2020. (in French)
IMPACT (in Dutch)
Belgische uniformen geproduceerd in slechte omstandigheden, WSM.be, 08/07/2020.