495 supported projects found that match your criteria. Awarded projects View on map

Less police force?

  • Human Rights
  • Organised crime
  • Security

BRUSSELS - 'Less police force' is a podcast that wants to make police violence in Belgium visible and unravel it through testimonies and interviews with experts. We want to find out why police violence - also in our country - is so common. This automatically brings us to the question: what are the police for? Are the police the guardian of the law, or rather the armed arm of our social order? Is a world without police better? And in what way can justice be done to the victims of police violence?

American Dreams

  • Science

UNITED STATES - American Dreams is a journalistic multimedia story by Johannes De Bruycker. The project explores a wide range of philosophical and scientific issues, including the nature of reality, (lucid) dreams and nightmares, consciousness and trauma.

Land without people

  • Armed conflict
  • Politics

SARAJEVO - Thirty years after the start of the civil war, Bosnia and Herzegovina is once again in troubled waters. The fragile balance between Bosniaks, Serbs and Croat Bosnians risks being disrupted by political instability.


  • Youth
  • Education

BRUSSEL - Onder het gezag van commandant Walter Van Dyck volgen de jonge rekruten van het Belgisch leger een basisopleiding tot militair. Aan de hand van rollenspelen wordt hun toekomst als beroepssoldaat verbeeld.

Uganda prevents the next pandemic

  • Healthcare
  • Environment

BWINDI - The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park in Uganda has been chosen by the US National Health Institute (NHI) as a ‘hotspot’ for a potential new outbreak of a zoonotic disease like Monkeypox, Covid or Ebola.

Who are the beneficiaries of the Flemish cabinets?

  • Politics

BRUSSELS - Cabinets of Flemish ministers can make certain limited expenditures under the radar. But who are the beneficiaries?

Vluchtelingen in Nederland, van de Belgen in 1914 tot Afghanen en Oekraïners nu

  • Migration

AMSTERDAM - At the beginning of World War I, 1 million Belgians fled to the Netherlands. About a hundred thousand stayed throughout the war, the majority in large camps. The Netherlands showed hospitality, but conditions in the refugee camps were much to be criticised.

Will Senegal stand up to extremist violence from outside?

  • Religion
  • Terrorism

DAKAR - Kris Berwouts went to Senegal with the question: 'What are Senegal's strengths and vulnerabilities when it comes to the risk of jihadism spilling over from the Sahel? This received a boost in 2012 in Mali and has since rapidly spread to Burkina Faso and Niger.

Hard Drug Consumers FInd Gateway to New Shelter

  • Healthcare
  • Science

BRUSSELS - With a delay of more than 6 months, the drug use space GATE opened its doors in the Belgian capital on May 5, 2022.

Great Belgian hunger for Zeeland's farmland

  • Agriculture

ZEELAND - To whom does the Dutch province of Zeeland belong? Partly to Belgians, who own up to a fifth of the agricultural land in the southernmost part of the province. The Dutch research collective Spit and the Belgian platform Apache went in search of the large landowners and answered the question: why are they active there?