
GALWAY - For months now, the North Atlantic has been plagued by extreme heat waves. The new high-tech research vessel the Belgica is sailing to the polar regions for the first time to document and investigate the effects of climate change in the oceans. Journalists Arno Van Rensbergen and Johannes De Bruycker went on board for a week.

Galway is the first port of call on the polar expedition, finally ending in the fjords of Greenland. Researchers are collecting data on the biological, geological and hydrodynamic processes taking place in the Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Circle. The polar expedition is unique in Belgian oceanography and a first real test for the new ship.

Johannes De Bruycker

Johannes De Bruycker is a Belgian freelance documentary photographer, video maker and founder of The Caravan's Journal.

Arno Van Rensbergen

Arno Van Rensbergen is a Belgian freelance journalist.
Arno Van Rensbergen
€2.500 allocated on 24/05/2023