Margot Wallström lecture - Europe’s future and the role of the media


BRUSSELS - Margot Wallström, Vice President of the European Commission, will deliver her vision for the future of Europe and the role of the media at the Paul-Henri Spaak lecture on Tuesday 24 June at 10.30. The Paul-Henri Spaak lecture is organised under the patronage of the Paul-Henri Spaak Foundation, and will be held n the presence of Mme Antoinette Spaak and Viscount Etienne Davignon. Venue - Commission Representation to Belgium, 73 rue Archimède, 1000 Brussels.

Onderzoek naar werkbeleving journalisten


Warme oproep: neem deel aan het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar werkdruk bij beroepsjournalisten

Pursuit of profit hurting the media, say MEPs


BRUSSELS - The pursuit of profit is putting the historic role of the press as the watchdog of democracy at stake, MEPs from all political parties have warned. Measures to protect editorial independence and quality of content are desperately needed in order to prevent interference from owners, shareholders or governments, says a report adopted Tuesday in the European Parliament's culture committee. (source: EUobserver)

Eerst Aapjes kijken


De media en het recht op privacy

European Neighbourhood Journalism Network


BRUSSELS - Reaching the heart of the story in the European Union is never easy. Cutting through the red tape surrounding Brussels can be even more difficult – especially from afar. That's where the European Neighbourhood Journalism Network comes in. Their foremost aim is to train the journalists of southern Mediterranean, Eastern European and southern Caucasus countries. They will facilitate networking between journalists from these regions with the goal of building bridges within our neighbourhood. 

Twee maanden te gast op een Nederlandse redactie?


BRUSSEL - Opnieuw hebben zes Vlaamse journalisten de kans om deel te nemen aan de Vlaams-Nederlandse Journalistenuitwisseling (VNJU) in oktober-november van dit jaar. Redacties krijgen daarmee de gelegenheid over een tijdelijke correspondent in Nederland te beschikken. (Bron: Vlaamse Vereniging van Journalisten) 

Wobbing België: Brandweer gewobd


BRUSSEL - Journalisten van de krant De Standaard wobben de gemeentelijke inspectieverslagen van de brandweer. 

Copiepresse dagvaardt Google


BRUSSEL - Copiepresse, de vereniging die de uitgevers van de Franstalige en Duitstalige kranten vertegenwoordigt, heeft Google gedagvaard en eist een schadevergoeding wegens de schending van de auteursrechten, schrijft de Franstalige krant L'Echo woensdag. (Bron: Belga)

Emergency Journalism: EJC training course


BRUSSELS - Perhaps the most challenging job for any journalist is reporting from a civil war, earthquake or other disaster. None of the usual norms and rules seems to apply and you are often forced to work alone in difficult and dangerous circumstances.