Lucas Destrijcker is a Belgian freelance journalist who likes to focus on themes related to migration, minorities, conflict and development.

Especially (East) Africa enjoys his interest, but actually the young Brussels-based journalist is constantly looking for human stories or depth in underexposed topics worldwide.

He studied social and cultural anthropology and international investigative journalism and published, besides MO* Magazine, in Brussels Deze Week, rekt:verso and De Standaard, among others. As a board member at Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen and press and communications officer at UNHCR, he closely follows the topic of migration.

Lucas Destrijcker


Lucas Destrijcker
migration, minorities, conflict and development
South Sudan

Supported projects

Turbulent Caucasus

  • Armed conflict
  • Politics

TBILISI - In view of the tensions between Russia and the West, the importance of the so-called "frozen conflicts" in the turbulent Caucasus is increasing. How is daily life in the rebellious Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which have been de facto independent since the collapse of the Soviet Union? Lucas Destrijcker searched it out.