BRUSSELS/AMSTERDAM - In June 2020, following protests in the United States, colonial heritage in Belgium became fiercely debated.
The main Flemish cities entered into discussions with activists, experts and citizens to decolonize the public space. Four years later, this research examines the promises that were made by policy makers and compares it to the interventions that ultimately took place.
The research shows that in 2024 many Flemish cities still have a lot of colonial heritage, much to the frustration of civil society and activists.
€8,550 allocated on 04/12/2023
FPD Low Countries
- De slachtoffers van het Belgisch kolonialisme maken ook deel uit van onze geschiedenis, MO*, 29/06/2024.
- Wat Vlaanderen van Nederland kan leren over de erkenning van koloniale slachtoffers, MO*, 27/06/2024.
- Koloniaal erfgoed nog niet weg uit de Vlaamse centrumsteden, MO*, 25/06/2024.
- De buste van Leopold II weghalen is voor mij maar een broodkruimel', MO*, 22/06/2024.
- Met trots blijven wij eren: onze genocidepleger, De Groene Amsterdammer, 28/08/2024.