
ZAVENTEM - Steven Decraene, Peter Denruyter and Geert Sciot are three journalists who have delved into the complex and tragic Sabena case. Sabena was the first national airline in Europe to disappear. How did this happen to the country's flying monument?

The partnership with the Swiss flagship Swissair was announced six years ago. Champagne-soaked, Sabena embarked on a growth spurt. The sky was the limit. Who would have thought that Sabena, the third safest airline, would lose its wings? Who knocked Sabena off course? Was it Swissair? Was it the politicians or the managers? What was the role of the unions? Hundreds of questions, hundreds of opinions. From the Prime Minister to the pilot, everyone has their own truth about the fatal crash. This book tells the story of Sabena's past. Through testimonies, their own experiences and thorough detective work, the authors reveal how the Belgian airline came to an end. A story without a happy ending, with the thoughts of the protagonists and the feelings of the Sabéniens.

Steven Decraene

Steven Decraene is a Belgian television journalist.
Steven Decraene

Geert Sciot

Geert Sciot (Brussels) is a former journalist.
Geert Sciot

Peter Denruyter

Peter Denruyter is a Belgian journalist.
Peter Denruyter
€5,000 awarded on 20/02/2002

BOOK (in Dutch)

  • Title: DE CRASH VAN SABENA, de geschiedenis, de intriges, de getuigen
    Authors: Steven Decraene & Geert Sciot & Peter Denruyter
    Publisher: Van Halewyck
    Publication date: 6 mei 2001
    Paperback 17x22 cm
    ca. 280 blz.
    Prize: ca. 19.91 EURO
    ISBN: 90 5617 378 2
  • Press preview on Monday 6 May 2002 at 11.30 a.m. at the Hotel Astoria, rue Royale 103 - 1000 Brussels. An introduction will be given by HERMAN DE CROO, President of the Chamber and former Minister of Transport.

Tuesday 7 May 2002 marks exactly six months since Sabena was declared bankrupt. The book is presented in the hotel where the 'hotel agreement' was negotiated.