
BELGIUM - The mythical wolf is back in Belgium. So are the eagle owl and the raven. The seal and the beaver. The tropical tree frog. Even the mysterious lynx. And who knows, soon the iconic brown bear? The list is impressive.

Why are these wild animals returning to our country and what does that say about our natural environment, journalist Paul Cobbaert asks. He talks to biologists, wildlife workers, policy makers and activists. This book is not a scientific treatise, but a vessel of stories. About the last wolf and King Leopold I, about Nazis and raccoons, about angry farmers and hunters, about the blood-curdling comeback of the beaver, and much more.

Wild Land also, and above all, wants to show the beauty of our own wildlife. In words and images. The book contains nearly two hundred photographs that the author has taken in our nature over the past few years. We do not have to go to exotic places to see fascinating animals. Even more: from now on you can go on safari in your own country, in search of our own Big Five ...


Paul Cobbaert

Paul Cobbaert (1984) is a child of the West Flemish farming village of Bekegem. He studied political science and communication studies at Ghent University.
Paul Cobbaert
€5.600 allocated on 20/02/2023.