13 supported projects found that match your criteria. Awarded projects View on map

The State of Decolonisation of Public Space in the Low Countries

  • Culture
  • Cities

BRUSSELS/AMSTERDAM - In June 2020, following protests in the United States, colonial heritage in Belgium became fiercely debated.

Cultural Heritage Under Siege

  • Armed conflict
  • Culture
  • Cities

KIEV - In January 2024, Dutch investigative journalist Linda van der Pol and Belgian photographer Gena Kagermanov traveled to Ukraine to investigate the impact of the Russian invasion on the Ukrainian cultural sector in several cities.

The new Nederbelg

  • Migration
  • Cities

ESSEN/HOOGSTRATEN/PUTTE - Belgian real estate agents are seeing more and more Dutch people moving across the border, in a desperate attempt to find an affordable house in the border region. What does that do to life in a border region. Apache and OC Spit traveled from Essen across Hoogstraten to Putte and spoke with owners.


  • Youth
  • Politics
  • Cities

UKRAINE - Is there room for healing and recovery in the midst of wartime? With that question, photographer Emiel Petrovitch and writer Johannes Decat traveled to Ukraine. Their answers are contained in a series of articles.

Jan De Nul builds controversial port terminal for oil extraction in Guyana

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Cities

GEORGETOWN - On behalf of US oil giant ExxonMobil, Belgian company Jan de Nul (together with partners) is building an artificial island off the coast of Guyana, South America.

Antwerp undermined

  • Organised crime
  • Cities

ANTWERPEN - Antwerp is being undermined. The port of Antwerp is the biggest cocaine import port in Europe. The drug crime creates invisible criminality that affects life in the city.


  • Cities

Ledeberg has a long history. In the Middle Ages, in the shadow of the city walls of Ghent, two rural settlements arose along the roads to Brussels and Geraardsbergen. Between 1860 and 1870, in the context of the industrial revolution, Ledeberg became one of the fastest growing suburbs of Ghent. Cotton factories, a brickworks and several shipbuilding yards sprang up along the banks of the Scheldt. Straight streets were laid out, connected by countless narrow alleys, in order to build as many small and cheap workers' dwellings as possible.

Back to Bled

  • Youth
  • Agriculture
  • Cities

BRUSSELS - 'Back to Bled' is a contemporary story about the connection between the city and the countryside, starting in multicultural Brussels. The core of the documentary is friction; friction between city and countryside, ecology and economy, healthy versus cheap, connected versus uprooted.

Kakuma, The Invisible City

  • Armed conflict
  • Cities
  • Youth

KAKUMA - How do you build a home in a place called nowhere? Filmmaker Lieven Corthouts decided to stay in one of the harshest places on earth and make this camp his home.

Living in Auschwitz

  • Cities

AUSCHWITZ - Auschwitz evokes images of wooden barracks and gas chambers in which millions of Jews were gassed and burned during the Second World War. But it is also an average Polish village where 40,000 people live who are ordinary bakers, postmen or IT consultants.