
BRUSSELS - These women weren’t leading  the same battles, walking in the same streets or speaking in the same forums. Yet they were all victims of the same crime:  political feminicide.

These gender-based political assassinations are invisible crimes. They consist of killing women, both for the cause they are fighting for, and because they are women.

“Femmes à abattre” is the first journalistic investigation that has ever looked into these sexist crimes perpetrated all over the world. We’ve gathered hundreds of texts, images and data in order to build a collective work that will help identifying the specific threats that women human rights activists are facing, and the mechanism of impunity that surrounds them.

Political feminicides are like “cluster bombs”. By committing these murders, perpetrators manage to silence the women who dared taking up the public voice. At the same time, they hang a sword of Damocles above the head of their successors, those who aim to take over their battle.

While women activists are more numerous than ever, it is urgent to document these crimes. This way, states, institutions and NGOs will provide better support to today’s and tomorrow’s activists. 

Juliette Robert

Juliette Robert (Sweden) is a photojournalist since 2008.
Juliette Robert

Hélène Molinari

Hélène Molinari (France) is a freelance journalist.
Hélène Molinari

Sophie Boutboul

Sophie Boutboul (France) is a member of the freelance journalists collective Youpress.
Sophie Boutboul

Rouguyata Sall

Rouguyata Sall (France) is journalist and works on social, gender and work inequalities.
Rouguyata Sall

David Breger

David Breger (France) is a member and cofounder of freelance journalist collective Youpress.
David Breger

Delphine Bauer

Delphine Bauer (France) has been a freelance journalist for the last 15 years.
Delphine Bauer

Leïla Miñano

Leïla Miñano (France) is an investigative journalist.
Leïla Miñano
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